Welcome to my blog SuddenTruth! You won’t see anything here that hasn’t been said somewhere else in different words. However, in the end I will touch topics that belong more into a philosophic area and rephrase them in my own words and images.
My main goal is to write posts that discuss and analyse topics of “How do we perceive reality?”, “How do we learn? Or adapt to reality?” and “How do we cope with reality?”.
I try to discuss those questions to my best current knowledge based on my own experience but also my understanding of related resources in areas of psychotherapy, neuropsychology and philosophy of past centuries.
The name of the blog “SuddenTruth” is a neologism based on the term “epiphany”. I hope to achieve a feeling of that in the reader. But I don’t claim to be able to do that as you will see if you read the posts.
If you want to contact me, you can find me on Twitter under @SuddentruthB or write a mail to kontakt@url of this blog.